simple and happy vegetarian lunch

My own version of Eggplant Parmesan, with basil potato and summer salad.

It tasted much better than it looks here. And for those who are not great fans of eggplant, you can substitute with mushroom/Portobello, or maybe even fried tofu?

I adapted the original recipe from Oh She Glows, but I couldn’t find the Panko breadcrumbs so I just created some last minute homemade version by crumbling a toast. I will definitely try it again when I could get some Panko.

Also, to save time, I pan fried the eggplant instead of baking it.

Eggplant Parmesan

Serves :2

1 large eggplant

1 tablespoon salt

1/2 cup bread crumbs

1/4 onion, diced into small pieces

Tomato paste or pasta sauce

Grated Parmesan (or substitute with non-dairy cheese/nutritional yeast for vegan)

for the batter :

30g flour

1 teaspoon salt and freshly grounded pepper

1 tsp vinegar

1/2 cup water (adjust according to the consistency, it should be quite thin but not watery)

1. Cut eggplant into 2cm thick slices. Sprinkle salt on each piece evenly and let it “sweat” for 30 mins to draw out excess water.

2. Prepare batter by combining salt, pepper, flour, vinegar and water.

3. Brown onion and add tomato paste or pasta sauce. Set aside.

4. After 30 mins., rinse eggplant and pat completely dry with kitchen towel/paper.

5. If eggplant is still moist, roast it slightly in a pan before dipping each piece into batter, then coat with breadcrumbs.

6. Pan fry or bake eggplant until crispy and golden brown.

7. Top eggplant with tomato and onion, sprinkle with cheese and bake or grill until cheese melted.

Basil Potato

1 potato

fresh basil

salt and pepper to taste

1. Peel and cut potato into thin slices.

2. Roll and finely chop basil.

3. Add vegetable oil into a pan and fry until potato slices are tender and golden brown. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4. Stir in basil and serve.

Summer Salad

This is a super simplified version. Use any cooked /raw vegetable as you fancy.

Heirloom tomatoes

1 Organic Cucumber

Dressing : Balsamic vinegar, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, sugar, lemon juice.

Peel cucumber into thin slices and stir in dressing.

Ok, it sounds like a lot of work, but it only took me less than an hour to make the dish. It took much longer to type the recipe though. Next time I’d try taking step-by-step photos which I guess would make it more interesting to read!

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